All our programs have a multinational focus, and are being developed in close cooperation with the MS International Federation, the MS global body, as well as other large national MS organizations.
Imagine being 25 years old and already in a wheelchair. Or imagine being 15 or 20 years old and thinking you be in a wheelchair next year, or perhaps the following one.
Do you tell your friends about your MS? Do you tell your boyfriend or girlfriend? How? And how will they look at you if they knew?
Now imagine you have nowhere to turn for advice and help. Imagine you struggle all alone, not only with your disease today, but also with how your MS will impact those around you, and what will happen to you tomorrow.
This is the situation of most young people with MS. And there are more of them than you think: at this age MS is most of the time hidden. Some of them are around you, they are your friends.
During our 2010 mission we met many young people with MS, and realized that they are even more alone than others. They cannot relay with existing MS organizations, generally run by and focused on older people with MS. They cannot find answers to the the different set of problems they are facing. They don't know even whether to talk about their MS and how.
See our solution »»Watch Tricia's extremely emotional clip, already seen by 127,000 people
Tricia was 24 years old and a new mother when MS struck her.
Having MS is bad. Very bad. But having MS and not having access to treatment is almost inhumane.
Hundreds of thousands of people with MS do not have access to appropriate treatment. This is true of most people with MS living in the developing world. Shockingly, it is also true of many in the developed world.
45,000 Polish people with MS, or 90% of those with MS in Poland, do not have access to modern treatments. Estonians do not have access to one of the most recent MS treatments. Portuguese to psychiatric services. Irish to MS physicians.
See our solution »»Moldova is by far the poorest country in Europe. It is also the only one without an MS organization.
Moldova's GDP per capita only is $2,959. That of the U.S. is 16 times higher, at 47,123. Norway's as 19 times higher, at $55,727*.
Africa's average GDP per capita is 33% higher than Moldova's, at $3,951*.
Ludmila (left), only 19, vividly described her challenges in a TV program focused on our mission.
In meetings with government and health officials we explained the benefits of having an MS organization. They asked us to help.
* 2010, International Monetary Fund
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