Imagine an 84-year old lady having her hair done to meet Fly for MS. Imagine kids wearing national costumes waiting with balloons. Imagine twenty people waiting past midnight, with big smiles on their faces when Fly for MS landed with a delay of several hours.
But Andrei and Keith are not celebrities, and Fly for MS was a previously unknown, small organization. So why has the little plane's arrival stirred such a response everywhere? The answer is simple: people with MS felt that for once others cared, and for them that means hope. Hope that they and MS will be better understood, that others will join the fight against the disease, that perhaps their fight with MS will get easier.
31 countries |
253 smiles |
thousands inspired |
Flying in a small plane is perhaps the ultimate freedom, a freedom most of us take for granted.
But for those with MS this freedom contrasts dramatically with the limitations they face daily. For most, flying - and some actually piloting the plane, was something they could not even dare to dream at. Many face extraordinary challenges even flying aboard large commercial jets.
For those with MS the joy of flying, something exhilarating to most of us, meant a lot more ... Their smiles say more about what they felt than any words ever could.
For many flying touched deeper chords. To some it brought back the days when they were like most of us. For others the experience helped them forget MS and their challenges, in many cases bringing joy to the entire family. And for all, the flight - both with its symbolism as well as its actual excitement, will remain a moment that will bring back a smile and ease the daily fight with MS, even if just for a fleeting second.
The Fly for MS mission was not just about attracting attention to MS and bringing hope to those suffering from it. It was also about learning first-hand about the MS communities in each country, about the local MS organizations and the support they provide, and about what the biggest needs are in each of the countries visited.
This unique, first-hand experience, with 30 national MS organizations lead to the initiatives Fly for MS is working on currently. More on our programs here »